Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interview Subjects

Tumisu, "Job Interview" via pixabay, 12/28/16. CC0 Public Domain.
Preparing for an interview requires a bit of research, and knowing your interviewee is key to answering appropriate questions and getting the most out of the interview. Below is a few key facts about my two interviews for my project.

Ishan Arora
University of Arizona, "Ishan Arora" via Public Domain
These are a few facts about Ishan Arora's education, experience, interview specifics and questions.

Teaching Assistant – University of Arizona (Jan. 2016 – Current)

Graduate Research Assistant – University of Arizona (May 2015 – Current)

Graduate Student (2015 – Current) University of Arizona

Bachelor of Technology, Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering – University of Petroleum and Energy Studies

Ishan Arora has worked professionally for approximately ten months.

I will interview him at 7:00 P.M. on Friday the 26th of 2016, at the Scented Leaf tea shop on University.

Click here for a link to his LinkedIn.

Questions for Ishan: 

 How has your college education helped you prepare for the types of professional writing you must do as a graduate student, and how well does this work in mechanical engineering?

What are some of the most common genres of media that you must write within for your studies? Are there many presentations, powerpoints, research papers, proposals, etc, within mechanical engineering? Have you started your thesis yet?

Does social media ever play an important role within your studies, and has the rising use of the internet changed, or will it change in the future, the writing for your field of study? Does social media help bring you ideas, sources, and research, for your work?

Is there any way I could see any of this work or is there a place I might be able to find some of your work on the web? 

As a graduate student, you often have to write for the University of Arizona, often for professors and teachers. Does your work change depending upon who you are writing for, such as certain professors? Do certain audience make you feel proud when you submit your work, and does this reflect in your writing?

Do tools and software such as MATLAB, Solidworks, Auto CAD, or other tools for engineering get used within writing projects at your level of study? Do you believe they will be a major part of potential jobs in the future?

How has procrastination affected your ability to write? Do you often procrastinate? If not, how do you manage your time, and what techniques might help you in your writing process?

How extensive is your research before you go into a typical writing project as a graduate student? Does it depend on the genre you’ll be working with? 

What type of editing process do you typically go through before publishing or turning in a work? Does it often include peer editing, multiple rough drafts, further research? 

Is there any advice you can give me about communicating professionally within the engineering discipline as an upper year engineering student?

Would it be okay if I contacted you further with any follow up questions, such as over email?

Lindsey Conklin
University of Arizona, "Lindsey Conklin" via Public Domain.

These are a few facts about Lindsey Conklin's education, experience, interview specifics and questions. 

Laboratory Technician – University of Arizona (August 2014 – August 2015)

Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Intern – NASA (June 2014 – August 2014)

Graduate Student (2015 – Current) – University of Arizona

Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering – University of Arizona

Lindsey Conklin has worked professionally for a year and four months.

I was going to interview her for Tuesday the 23rd of February, 2016, but we are pending rescheduling due to another meeting that came up.

Click here for a link to his LinkedIn.

Questions for Linsey: 

 How has your college education helped you prepare for the types of professional writing you must do as a graduate student, and how well does this work in mechanical engineering?

What are some of the most common genres of media that you must write within for your studies? Are there many presentations, powerpoints, research papers, proposals, etc, within mechanical engineering? Have you started your thesis yet, or did you have to do presentations for your intern position at NASA?

Does social media ever play an important role within your studies, and has the rising use of the internet changed, or will it change in the future, the writing for your field of study? Does social media help bring you ideas, sources, and research, for your work? Does social media help keep in contact with coworkers? 

Is there any way I could see any of this work or is there a place I might be able to find some of your work on the web? 

As a graduate student, you often have to write for the University of Arizona, often for professors and teachers. Does your work change depending upon who you are writing for, such as certain professors? Do certain audience make you feel proud when you submit your work, and does this reflect in your writing?

Do tools and software such as MATLAB, Solidworks, Auto CAD, or other tools for engineering get used within writing projects at your level of study? Do you believe they will be a major part of potential jobs in the future, or did you use them in your intern position and research?

How has procrastination affected your ability to write? Do you often procrastinate? If not, how do you manage your time, and what techniques might help you in your writing process? Maybe you picked up some of these techniques from your tutoring program to help students? 

How extensive is your research before you go into a typical writing project as a graduate student? Does it depend on the genre you’ll be working with? 

What type of editing process do you typically go through before publishing or turning in a work? Does it often include peer editing, multiple rough drafts, further research? 

Is there any advice you can give me about communicating professionally within the engineering discipline as an upper year engineering student?

Would it be okay if I contacted you further with any follow up questions, such as over email? 


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