Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

EriktheGreat, "Social Media Icons", via pixabay, 12/28/16. CC0 Public Domain.
Any reasonable person in this digital age will have active account within social media, even if only on a few sites, in order to share and connect with various people over the internet. Searching for my interviewees on social media will allow me to see their personalities outside of work. 

Ishan Arora

I was able to find Ishan Arora on Facebook and LinkedIn, but no other social media sources. I would say his presence is small, but he does have a well flushed out LinkedIn profiles that effectively shows his skills and experiences and certainly reveals how hard he is looking for a job or internship. I also learned from his social media that he is from India and is involved in many University of Arizona groups for scholarships, jobs, trading, and is also interested in cricket.

The main difference between Mr. Arora's social media presence is that the academic journal found in blog 6.2 is meant to show a design on the professional level to other professionals meant to understand the project, while his social media presence was more about his necessities in finding work and his interests outside of his career, such a cricket, versus his designs and analysis within his thesis project or work on fuel cells, which require calculations and explanation.

Lindsey Conklin

I was also only able to find Lindsey Conklin on Facebook and LinkedIn, as these may be the two most popular sites to be a part of for graduate students, or the easiest to find. Her presence on social media then, is also small, but she does have a thorough LinkedIn profile, but also a more developed Facebook profile to match, showing her slightly higher commitment to social media. I learned from her profile on LinkedIn that she got to be a part of a NASA internship and also tutored for a women's engineering foundation and also for K-12 children, showing her commitment to education and rising success as a student. Another fact I learned from Facebook is that she is about to get married, and has strong feelings on issues, such as drunk driving, and animal ownership.


 Comparing Ms. Conklin's social media pressence to her work within her honors thesis on post 6.2, shows that she is a lot more strong willed than a formal essay will lead on, and also that she is very active in the education field, compared to her just being a recorder within a project who is willing to help out. Her presence on social media shows a lot more of her personality, and while only brief, hints of her success in her field.

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