Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this open post to my peer, I am welcoming any and all feedback to my final project for English 109H. For any major essay, review and revision is necessary, and receiving feedback from outside sources will always help you gain insight and knowledge to help you create a better project. Below is a few question I would like a reader to know about my final project.

  • Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know
    - This project is common to all of my peer in my English class. Therefore, I believe all of you can relate to me when I state I had issues with time management, different genres, software, etc, and you can understand when I say high school probably didn't prepare us for every situation in this class, like blog posts. I believe every reader can relate to parts of my project in different ways, and this helps us all review the projects with common knowledge and background, so the reader can also see why I made certain choices without explanation. 
  • Major issues or weaknesses in the “Final Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)
    - One of the major weaknesses with my final cut is that I think it is too long. I don't think I included too much content however, so I believe there was a disconnect with script writing, and actual recording, and I believe a bit of my essay could be cut down to make way for a quicker, and easier to listen to podcast. I would like to know from my readers if this really is a major issue like I think it is, or if it doesn't really harm the purpose of the project. Also, I believe my podcast could be a bit more interesting, like some of the examples that are posted on D2L, but this could be due to my writing style or the topic of the project. I would like to ask the reader if the project does get a bit boring, especially combined with the length of the project.
  • Major virtues or strengths in the “Final Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths)
    - One of the major strengths of my final cut is that I believe the essay covers the majority of changes that occurred throughout the year during my writing process. In short, I believe my content does cover the majority of the topic, and that the reader should definitely have a better understanding of how my writing process went throughout the year.  I would like to know from the reader if the content really does cover the majority of a writing process, and if they believe they now have a well versed understanding of how I wrote throughout the year. 

    Link to my final cut can be found here.

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