Monday, May 2, 2016

Production Report 14A - Introduction

Producing raw content on a well planned project transforms the content that you previous outlined, into usable, malleable content which can be edited and cut to perfection. In my project, the fourth project reflecting on previous project, I transformed my introduction section of my content outline, into raw content. Below are links to each respective piece, outline and raw content, along with a few questions to clarify how the process of content creation went.

Outline Item:

Introduction - Thesis statement would be included here, summarizing that different genres require different processes and challenges which should affect how you plan for them, but the one main issue I found in my semester was time management.
  • Including introduction and background to my writing career, and what I went into semester thinking, relate to a common audience with my background
  • Speaking at a college level, what kind of advice would I offer to myself when I was beginning this semester

 How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
  - The form of a podcast requires an audience to listen to only audio, which means describing vivid interactions, especially with my past, is important. This type of form, is also why I included direction for my own content recording, where I may include sound effects, or changes in the music, to induce a type of transition that is unique to audio and video formats. Conventions of podcasts include a more conversational tone which comes across similar to the flow of though of a conversation. This is why I include the brief mentions of my past, which I may go more in depth on, depending on the length of my video. The convention of the podcast to use descriptive writing is also why I included a brief section introducing myself and the content of the podcast, to allow readers an idea of the topic that will be mentioned, so that they are prepared to listen.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
- The production of this raw material went fine, by creating a script this really allows me to cut a lot of the flubs or hiccups that may occur when recording audio from a blank slate. One of the main issues I do face though is my consideration of time. When creating this script, I  am unsure how fast my voice may speak, or how much time I should consider dedicating to this introduction in comparison to the rest of video, especially because I am unsure how long the rest of the video will be. Another major challenge is balancing the laid back nature of the podcast genre, and the serious topic I will be discussing, the reflection of the first three projects of my English class.

Adaptation of Outline Item: 

Here is a link to my introduction rough draft script for my podcast.

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