Sunday, March 13, 2016

Product Report Introduction

    Checking up on the progress of a project is the key to sticking to a previously created timeline or outline. By uploading a section of my video essay's introduction and answering a few questions on that work, I will open my raw work up to the public, and also push myself to get it ready in time before the big deadline, the final due date.

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

 - By uploading my introduction I am setting the stage for the rest of my video essay. A video essay usually has a sense of ambiguity when starting the video, and my essay is no different. By choosing to start with a few different stories and form them together into a cohesive idea on the importance of writing in aerospace engineering, I am starting the audience off from a knowledge level of zero, and bringing them up to speed with how the rest of the essay will go.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

- The production of this raw material went fine, and I actually enjoyed it due to being able to talk about a few historically important and interesting events in my field. During this process though, I also realized exactly how much work it will take to make a video essay, and how much collection of photos, video, recording, and writing a script will actually take in man hours. 

Here is my original Outline Item
  • Opening: The idea that we are talking about genre
    • Idea 1 - Talk about famous aerospace engineers and some of their accomplishments
    • Idea 2 - Relate how aerospace advancements help people’s everyday world around them

Here is my Outline Item Adaption 

A link to my introduction for my video essay on aerospace engineering. 

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