Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reflection on Video Essay Progress

   Looking back on video essay as a whole now that I have it done, makes me realize all of the work I have just accomplished. Jumping into the genre of a video essay was very difficult for me. Learning how to use Windows Movie Maker, and taking the time to cut together different photos and videos, and also edit photos to include my own text took much longer than I thought it would. To see my answers of reflection my video essay so far, continue reading.

  1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

    - One of the main things that surprised me was how much I enjoy editing video. As I said before, it did take me longer than expected to actually put the project together as a whole, but as I am interested in computers, it was a little bit fun to put a video essay together and that made the project much more bearable. Another success was that I was able to slim down the format of my content outline, as I had three body paragraphs with two subjects each, which would have taken a much longer time to create, but also a much longer and drawn out video. As it is, my rough draft is almost eight minutes long with only two of the more important genres of my field included and only a single in depth example of each of them, the Elon Musk story, and the piston theory article within the AIAA journal. But I believe I was successful in starting the project and adaption to new realization and creating a working product in the end. 

  2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

    - As I said before, one big challenge was realizing how long it would take to cut the video together, write the script, pull all of the images and video together, and record the audio. According to my original content outline, it should have taken me roughly the same amount of time to finish three body paragraphs with two examples each, as it did for two paragraphs with one example, approximately twelve hours. However, I also did procrastinate more than I wanted to, and even though I did start a little bit on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, according to my timeline, the bulk of the work was accomplished Sunday morning through afternoon, following my habit of procrastination.
  3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

    - I actually think next week will go great if I get good peer reviews, and even if not, I still have good ideas on how to move forward with making my video essay better. I actually enjoy editing the video, and I think next week will be productive. 

  4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

    - I feel like I have gotten over the hump of scary deadlines on the project, and now I am in the stage where I have to bring the project from a B or C project to an A project through review, peer review, editing, and perfecting my final product. 

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