Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Content Outline

Preparing for the coming week full of production, my pre-production list includes an outline of my content that I will follow as I put all of my work together. As follows, is introduction and closing, along with a main idea and supporting ideas for each of my three body paragraphs.

This opening section will have a fairly detailed introduction of the Joint Strike Fighter program, its history, its importance, and a brief introduce about how I will be talking about the faults in the F-35 solution to the program.
Body 1
-        F-35 is not a capable fighter in the modern world
o   F-35 was beat by an F-16 in a dog fight – This evidence proves that older, current, 4th generation planes, are beating new planes like the F-35 in dog fights, and quotes from the pilots show the deficits of the plane and why it won’t be a top-dog fighter. This will be used to prove that the plane will not be a good military craft for the future of the US, and will end up being dangerous for the airmen.
o   Previous planes (F-4, F-117) that used advanced or stealth technology have been shot down and defeated due to their reliance on technology – Planes like the F-4, which relied on missiles and had no gun, and the F-117, which was shot down even though it was a stealth craft, proves that a reliance on technology to protect and advance warfare is dangerous and could lead to unnecessary deaths and ultimately lead to defeat of our Air Force.
Body 2
-        F-35 is way over budget and is going to cost billions more
o   Budgetary proposal shows it cost $11 billion this year, compared to less than a billion for most other military programs – The budget  proposal for this year and last year show the program costing $11 billion compared to many other program mostly less than $2 billion, showing how much money I being dedicated to this program. This shows that the program is costing a huge amount of money, and when adding up the years budgets, this program is far over the proposed budget for this F-35.
o   Predictions think that the program will continue to cost many billions more – Predictions from several different sources, show that while the program is advancing, the upgrades necessary to keep the initial planes relevant is going to cost a huge, and each plane costs more now, so we may get less planes for more money. Adding this to the project will show how the program has been an economic failure so far, and will continue failing in the future.
Body 3
-        F-35 could be made obsolete soon
o   New drones out from Russia and plans from China are intended to overwhelm and fight specifically stealth fighters being made now – There is an anti-F-35 drone being made by the Russian intended to remove its capabilities and shoot it down at a much lower price. This shows that a reliance on expensive manned craft for the future could be a huge gamble which we will lose.
o   Radar technology has improved enough to remove the advantage of stealth – New advances in radar and information processing could make even the best stealth useless in the near future. This proves that all of the work being put into the plane to make it stealthy at the cost of other features could be useless a few years from now.
This closing section will be about summing up the terrible idea that is the F-35. Including a few ideas about what the future may hold for the program. This will also go into wrapping up how the terrible ideas should be considered by the audience as a full overview of the program and they should leave knowing more facts about the program and better informed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alexander,
    I know this is kinda late but I'm catching up on blog posts. Anyways, for one of my peer review posts I provided an outlining suggestion for you project. That sugestion can be found here. I basically say that you should, form the beginning, state what your public argument is so the reader knows exactly what you advocating for before you start going in to the body sections.
