Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Marisa Kubacki

Peer review in the final form of a project will allow a writer or producer to take a good project into the levels of a great or eye catching project that really feels completed.

In this blog post, I am looking at Marisa Kubacki's video essay titled Mental Illness: The Silent Killer.  I chose to review the form of her video essay, looking at what changed should be made to the conventions of the essay, or if any of them should be added or removed.

I think the suggestions that I making to her video essay will definitely help her use the conventions of the video essay better, by accessing the visual aspect of her video better, by consistently showing pictures and including more videos, and also using the music in the background better.

The main source I took from for this peer review was the course examples listed on D2L, which often include many pictures and effective use video and music for the visual and audio content.

Marisa's passion for her subject is what really drew me in for this video. While at times it seemed like a PSA designed to make the mentally ill feel confident, which is not a bad thing at all, seeing her face and hearing the passion in her voice is something that I am impressed by, and I really do believe she cares for this topic, something I might be able to work on, a passionate voice.

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