Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reflection on Joint Strike Fighter Project

Reflecting back on my project as I complete its pre-production, I can evaluate the worth of the issue I am tackling, the topic I am going to be discussing, how good the sources are, and if I believe my content is going to come together well. By doing this reflection, I can tune my project to have a solid foundation before I am too tied down with a full project to rework. Below is my reflection on my current work on my project.

What went well?
-        This week I believe I chose my sources well, as you can see in my blog post on my sources. I have eleven sources that are actually all relevant and can be connected together to prove a point that supports my project. While a few of them are on similar ideas, there is some variety within the group on their topics and many also includes detailed graphs or photos which will really aid in my quick reference guide. My sources, such as the article on the F-117, are specific, introduce relevant background history, and include graphics and points that support my projects point of proving the F-35 is a bad idea, such as how the F-117, another stealth fighter, was shot down.
What went poorly?
-        I fell down on the time management this week. On other project I have usually been able to cram enough time in to finish most of the project posts before the deadline, but this week the sources took so long to analyze that I didn’t finish the majority of the blog posts. This can be seen by my submitting only the peer reviews and rhetorical analysis on time, while the sources and other blog posts are late.
How do you think next week will go?
-         I am not too worried about the actual creation of the project, as I believe this topic is much more interesting and the sources and ideas I have created will all form together as a really good quick reference guide.
How are you feeling about the project?
-        I am very worried about turning the project in on time to be honest. All of the process work this week makes me feel tired of working on the project already when I haven’t written a single word of it yet. When I actually get to the project, if all of the process work doesn’t get in the way, I think the project will turn out well, as I enjoy the topic, have chosen good sources, and have good ideas to support my point of proving that the F-35 is a bad program.

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