Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Sofia Haserot

Helping out fellow students will help me improve my own project and also aid other students in improving their own project. Below is a quick review of a peer review that I did for Sofia Haserot's production schedule. 

I reviewed Sofia Haserot's post titled Production Schedule. The activity I perform on her schedule is a resource suggestion, coming from my own previous experience with a video essay, I gave Sofia a few quick tips about creating a video essay. I think I improved her essay by giving her a warning of how much work a video essay will take and also giving her some pointers on what part of the video essay to spend a lot of time on, such as voice clarity and smooth transitioning. Transitioning is one of the key elements, #7, from the Student's Guides reading. I admired her giving enough time to creating the rough draft of the essay, starting on 4/6 rather than procrastinating it to the last minute.

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