Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Benjamin Macklin

Peer review in the final form of a project will allow a writer or producer to take a good project into the levels of a great or eye catching project that really feels completed.

In this blog post, I took a look at the video essay titled Rethinking Addiction, created by Benjamin Macklin. I chose to review the form of his video essay, examining what conventions should be modified, added, or removed in the video essay. I believe my suggestions of cutting the length of the included videos and making the existing photos more relevant to the voice overlay for the video, will allow Ben to insert his own voice better into the essay, while also shortening the length of the video overall, which did drag on a bit at the end. The basis I used for this feedback was the overview of a previous video essay we got in class on April 19th, where we saw that one essay was too long, used too much video, and didn't have enough of the author within it.
The one thing that really stood out about Ben's video was the opinion he chose to take on drugs, fighting common stereotypes and relating to many people who have opinionated ideas about addiction. I almost wish I tackled such an important topic as Ben.

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