Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production Week 1

Reflecting back onto my week of production for my Joint Strike Fighter project allows me to see the actual progress I've made in creating raw content. More than just putting together sources and ideas, this week I actually created the basic content for my project, a rough draft of a quick reference guide. The following questions are questions any reader may ask me to learn more about the current state of the project I am working on. 

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
-  This weeks process work I found success in actually turning in the blog posts relatively on time, compared to last week where I turned in the majority of the blog posts past the Sunday deadline, such as my content outline or the timeline for this weeks production work. I also succeeded in drawing together all of my sources into a relevant and understandable second body paragraph discussing the affordability of the program in my second production report. I am glad I also included good pictures for introduction and body paragraph, because to me, they are very important to a quick reference guide. Such pictures include the budget analysis of each year in my second body paragraph, and the diagram showing the different types of f-35 in my introduction. 

What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
 - The main challenge I faced was gathering all of the relevant information for my second body paragraph, as in gathering all of various issues facing the F-35, as other articles often only focus on a certain section of the issues, such as the ejection seat issues, or engine fire issues faced by earlier aircraft. Bringing all of these issues together to be comprehensive was difficult for my body paragraphs. Also, I had some formatting issues with inputting my sections of the rough draft into blogger, so my pictures are often not in the best places or some sections are lacking bullet points.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
 - I think this week will go well, as I am confident I can edit my quick reference guide and with more looks at example and input from other student I believe I will make a guide that uses the conventions of the genre very well but also tackles the project in an effective manner. My guide so far I believe does talk about a lot of information so I think with just editing my project will turn out well.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
- The project overall I still feel is going very well, but I am getting tired of how much work the preliminary process is taking, especially because the quick reference guide is often shorter than other genre in terms of content creation. 

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