Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Project 3: The Joint Strike Fighter Program

With my project already submitted and turned in sealed in terms of grading, I can now take my time to think back and see how the reflection has gone so far. This will come in handy for the upcoming final project which encompasses a review of the three projects we have tackled so far. But this is only a secondary concerns. If I should learn anything from this course, it should be how to create and fill out projects, do research, and turn my research into a relevant piece of media. With this in mind, I'll be answering a few audience questions regarding my recently completed project, Why the F-35 is the Failure of the Joint Strike Fighter Program. 

  1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
    - One of the major things that went right for me during this week was asking one of my friends (who I think is better than me at English) to read over my project and leave some comments on how to make it a better project. Since she has no idea what the F-35 is, I believed this would help me get a perspective besides mine on how to cater to a more open audience. 
    This can clearly be seen in both my first and second editorial, where I changed both content and form in order to make the information either more detailed, such as in the introduction where I included dates and the three different versions of the aircraft, or in the second body, where I summed up the importance of stealth. These differences help introduce topics and let the QRG explain the topic better. 
  2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
    - My main challenge for this entire course is to stop procrastinating, which of course didn't stop this week, seeing my spur of posts on Sunday. My habits of procrastinating only were worsened by the fact that I didn't get any effective commentary from peers and the fact that this is the second week of reviewing, which means that any ideas I really had before would have been finished in the first week, giving me little motivation to continue revising. While this week may have been focused on local revisions, in order to really accomplish this, I really did need outside support, which I found with a friend outside of this class. 
  3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
    - Next week I believe will go fine, I am unsure of how a podcast will work with the final project, but I am sure I can make it work. The topic of reviewing all of my previous work seems deceptively easy, and I am sure I will find more challenges now, but at this moment I am just relieved to have another project completely and am in bliss to be free for a lot of this week. 
  4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point? - The project at this point is all finished which makes me feel relieved, but also a little bit worried, because i realize how much form can have an effect on your final grade. This project, being the most heavily weighted, worries me because I think my paragraph may be a bit too long for this genre, but I see many others doing the same type of lengths, so I think it is okay and I believe other aspects I included will alleviate this issue. The real test though is the grade, which is very subjective so I hope it errs on the side of positive news. 

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