Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Bond

Helping out fellow students will help me improve my own project and also aid other students in improving their own project. Below is a quick review of a peer review that I did for Emily Bond's raw content rough cut for her second body paragraph.

 I reviewed Emily Bond's Production Report (11A), using a content suggestion format to recommend what he should include content wise in this body paragraph. I believe my suggestions, such as including pictures or graphics, or deeper explanation into the purpose of including all of the community members that are involved with the Lets Move program. This feeds into the Source and Analysis sections of the section guide readings, because having graphics sources will aid in relating the information to the reader while also analyzing deeper into the information he is presenting about the community involvement with the Lets Move program, giving the audience a better idea on the importance or the authors opinion on the program itself. I admire Emily because of her use of citations within her rough cute that effectively included her sources while smoothly and continually presenting her information, one idea that is missing in my quick reference guide.

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